DIAM Poland cooperates with local prison
In 2017, DIAM Poland LLC visited and signed a contract with Oleśnica criminal prison to employ “offenders” at DIAM Poland production site. So, a little later, three of them joined DIAM team. They used to demonstrate exemplary behaviour while being in prison, this opportunity is kind of a reward. It gives them the opportunity to spend a lot of time outside jail, they are gaining experience in production work, they are employed, treated and perceived the same way as any other employee, they are earning money so they can shop at the prison shop, they can repay any debts they incurred before being sent to prison. They also socialize again and are supported for when they are released back into society.
By joining this program, DIAM not only helps with the resocialisation of the individual, but it also helps financially. Part of offenders’ remuneration is transferred to the prison’s administration which help fund the following: buying new clothes for prisoners, purchasing new tools for many kinds of work, performing renovations and purchasing educational items.
DIAM Poland is proud to be able to support value-driven activities which are defined by DIAM Ethics Code, which rules must be followed. Therefore, establishing a cooperation with the local prison enables DIAM to provide real help for “offenders” since its very beginning.
“We hope this is our first step of many in supporting our local community!”
DIAM UK helps vulnerable people get back to work
DIAM UK has always been a major actor of social inclusion. Working with several partners in the UK like Remploy, RNIB, Per-temps, Ethos Project and Juniper, DIAM UK helps a number of people return to the workplace in a supported and sustainable environment, willing to enable them to regain confidence and reclaim their independence, both socially and financially.

Meet David – David is a young man who struggles with multiple physical and learning difficulties. When he was 10 years of age, his parents were told by medical professionals that he would never be able to work… He’s been working with us for a little while now and we’re very proud to have him!